Thanks so much for your prayers. I got an email from my mom this evening and she has given a timeline of events and an update. And she also mentioned that she had talked to our house worker and she does not feel threatened at all, which is good.
* Elections 27 Dec.
* Dec. 28th 7am- I arrived back in Kenya, still counting votes, very peaceful
*Dec. 29th, the opposition party demanding that the votes be tallied and winner announced, some rallies, We were restricted from travel into Nairobi beginning today
Chip did have to go to the airport to pick up some arriving staff. He went in a convoy. The airport is about 1 hour away from Kijabe. No problems
On Saturday the tally of the votes showed Odinga ahead by 32,000 votes
*Sunday 30 Dec. Kibaki sworn in as president winning with over 200,000 votes. There was celebration from his tribe/supporters(Kikuyu) and protests from the ODM(opposition)mostly Luo tribe. Odinga also declared that he was president. State of confusion. President Kibaki is a Kikuyu and Odinga is a Luo. They represent 2 different tribes. There are many tribes(like 50) in Kenya.. Kikuyu is the largest.
*Demonstrations continue around the nation. Many Kikuyu people being targeted. People being forced from their homes and businesses around the country. We live in a totally Kikuyu community, thus not significant issues. Also, it is important to realize that much of the conflict has occurred in slum areas who heavily supported Odinga(opposition party) Also, realize that many Kenyans respond to issues with riotous behavior also mob justice or revenge.
* New Year's Day-Kikuyu who are being run away from their homes are taking refuge in police stations, churches etc. A church was torched and many people were killed, many of them children. The victims were all Kikuyu. This took place in Eldoret which is about 175 miles from us. Shelia Parrish has a niece in this town I believe. Obtaining fuel has become a major issue, thus getting supplies is an issue. The decision to postpone the start of our school was made on 29 Dec. due to the uncertainty of where this was going.
Jan. 2 A group of us, maybe 30 went to Nairobi today to buy supplies. We convoyed again, Chip drove a 34 passenger mini bus and 2 other vehicles went as well. We were able to buy almost everything we needed. The stores were busy and the lines were long. However, we got there early and got flour, sugar, bread, some meat and some produce. Many stores had been closed since before Christmas. We were also able to fill the vehicles up with petrol on our way home. It was calm and peaceful while we were in town. School administration is meeting daily and communicating with us and the parents of our students about what is going on. We had numerous prayer times today to pray for Kenya and for the political parties to come together. We have heard/read that Koffi, former UN General Sec, maybe Desmond Tutu may arrive in Kenya tomorrow along with others to help mediate this situation.
*Tomorrow Jan. 3rd. Odinga has scheduled a rally/march of mourning. He is calling for 1 million people to march. The government has told him he is not allowed to hold this but he is planning to go ahead with it. We pray that this will indeed be a peaceful march, however the reaction/response to this could cause more issues. PRAY for peace
We are SAFE here in Kijabe. We do not feel threatened. We are trying to make good decisions about bringing our students back into Kenya. We are also exercising extreme caution in our travel in and out of Nairobi. We have water, electricity, food and most importantly a knowledge that we are in God's protective hand. We also know that you are praying for us and the safety of those here and for peace in this nation. I truly believe that RVA is one of the most prayer covered places on earth and for that I am truly thankful.
We are talking to our kids regularly and keeping them informed. We will also let you know of any changes. Please feel free to check out international news on the internet or CNN. We are certainly not the top news story. Our newspaper here is the The Daily Nation and that can be accessed for more info. Thank you for your prayers, We love you and miss you. It was great to see so many of you while I was there. Keep praying, feel free to write us. We always enjoy hearing from home.
Knowing that we are held in His Hand, Chip and Suzann
I forgot how hard this is
4 weeks ago
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